Material Circumstances

Access to Health Care Services Along the Rural-Urban Continuum in Canada

This visualization presents Sibley and Weiner (2011)'s cross-sectional study of the population of the 10 provinces of Canada using data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 2.1) conducted in 2003. While the CCHS covers the population 12 years of age and over, this study analyzed data collected from adults aged 20 and older. In the CCHS, the participants' communities are identified using the census subdivision codes, which can be classified as rural or urban using Statitics Canada's Statistical Area Classification.

The study analyzed the following CCHS survey questions:
  1. having had an influenza vaccination in the previous two years;
  2. having seen a family physician in the previous 12 months;
  3. having seen a specialist physician (other than an eye doctor) in the previous 12 months;
  4. self-perceived unmet need in the previous 12 months; and
  5. having a regular medical doctor.



  • Sibley, L. M., & Weiner, J. P. (2011). An evaluation of access to health care services along the rural-urban continuum in Canada. BMC health services research11(1), 20.
  • Statistics Canada. (2011). 2011 census dictionary . Statistics Canada.